So, I've been remiss about updating my blog. Oh well. I'm sure my journal misses me too.
And while I've pissed away many an hour chatting with friends, or reading the brilliant and banal over on
Craigslist Rants and Raves (warning: some patently offensive material inside), I've still managed to make some progress on several projects.
First, and foremost, we have launched the official website for my latest film project
"Family." We also got to sit down last week and view the first full length rough cut of the film and we are going through notes this week for next revision. The best news is that we HAVE ourselves a movie. There's a few small story holes to deal with, but overall, it's a good damn flick. And my friend and business partner,
Josh Logan who tackled this flick for his first time directors hat, is doing a great job with it. Not only creatively either, but in terms of collaborative spirit and professionalism, much kudos are due.
Second, one of our board members steered us to a guy in Manhattan who has his own set of satellite channels, and I came up with a show to pitch them, we refined it a bit, and they're interested. We're discussing further tomorrow. (and while, "discussing" is not a deal, it's far better than "we're not interested.") Would be a fun show to do I think.
Third, I'm still working on getting clients moved over to an "uglyshz" brand and working with programmers who do the work under my brand. This is slow going, but started happening just this week with one client. We'll see how the experiment goes.
Fourth, I have had a few meetings for some mobile media consulting - possibly going in to set up programming, production and delivery workflows for companies wanting to create and deliver mobile media. It's an interesting business and one I've managed to suck up a lot of information on in the last 7 months - and since I take a kind of "global" approach to all the things on the smorgasboard, it seems to be synthesizing pretty well. These consulting gigs could be very interesting and challenging.
Lastly, I've managed to make satisfactory progress on a script that has been percolating for 3 years already, and been in the hands of two other hired writers who didn't manage to turn in anything usuable. Not for lack of trying - but there were some gigantic holes in the story that I think I've actually managed to solve. Though no one will know until I turn over a completed script and some production art for the pitch probably in October. I think it's good, and working... but sometimes it's hard to keep perspective when it's just you. I may have it checked out with a couple of other folks before the presentation... so we'll see.
The bad news in all of this, is that nothing is producing immediate revenue.. which is causing some ripples in my personal space-time-finance continuum. This, however, is soooo NOT new territory. Hopefully some other business knocks loose soon... soon enough.