Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Push, Push, Push

He who hangs on by his fingernails the longest... has the strongest nails?

It's been 7 years and 8 months since I arrived in Los Angeles. Over the years, I've been in situations of varying difficulty, and had a few times of bounty as well.

The last few months, while they have been very difficult, is also the first time in my life where many irons in the fire actually seem pretty hot. There are no more middle-men. There are no more 2 or 3 degrees of seperation between the people I'm speaking with, and the people I should be speaking with.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go into a meeting at 9:30am with a multi-billion dollar track record producer, and try to close a 7-figure equity placement.... and in doing so, create the job and opportunity that I've been working towards since arriving out here.

I don't know how he'll respond, but what I do know, is that I'm ready to go in, and give a great presentation.

Following that meeting, I have another follow-up call with the first nationwide satellite network I ever pitched a show to, 2 weeks ago, and the CEO of the company made a verbal commitment to distribute the show in North America. That's a big deal. Now lets see if there's some cash attached to it so we can actually make the show and not have to find some way to deficit finance it.

Then, I have a meeting on Thursday with a guy who works with China Mobile putting out content to their wireless customers (who, for reference, is a SINGLE mobile carrier that services 204 MILLION subscribers in China - which is more than ALL of the mobile subscribers in America), to see if there's an effective way for us to provide creative and production services for delivering programming to China.

And lastly, I should hear this week on a Mobile Media consulting job with a local production company that wants to play in the space, and needs guidance in setting up their workflow and delivery process. That would be a good thing too.

Let's hope the rest of this week brings some cash-flow positive turnabouts:)


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