Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hate Looking Stupid

You know, I'm looking back on the last 6 months, and am... slightly annoyed at how much assistance I've had in making myself look like a jackass.

Let me be more specific, as all of this leads up to a current situation in which there are some wonderful "possibilities" lingering about - that are just that - possibilities. And possibilities cannot be used to pay your bills, nor buy food, nor help maintain your credit rating.

Almost 6 months ago, when my consulting business was doing well, I was approached by an Academy-Award nominated businessman to work with him and his company developing new feature film projects. They began building an office for me, and for a week or two, I was even being pushed to "come in and start working," in a temp office. And the question was, "work on what?" And here it is, almost August, and not only are the offices not even finished (ran out of $$$?) - but there's been no further discussion of the feature development work, at all.

Now then, the same company, came back to me last month, and wanted to know about Mobile Media stuff, and how to get me to come in and start developing and producing and delivering programming. This seems like an exciting partnership. And yet there were lots of layers to financing structure that I was not made aware of. Once again, what I got was a general feeling of urgency, actually, make that a very SPECIFIC feeling of urgency - and once again, the opportunity has failed to materialize as advertised.

This is not the specific fault of that company or the person that was leading the charge for this, however, when I'm asked things that make me put other things (like, maybe having to find another JOB) on hold in order to try and put together something that could be a dream come true - based on a request from someone with some... juice - I gladly and happily and enthusiastically go for it, and produce the goods. And get excited. And get wound up. And get ideas. And get disappointed.

And the part I have the hardest time with, is that, when good things happen, the first thing I want to do is tell my close friends and family. And now, I look like an idiot for having believed in what I was being told, because I'm struggling once again to find things that just "pay the bills," instead of doing what I thought I was being offered a chance to do.

Lesson of the day, once again, don't believe anything until you see it, touch it, and more importantly, the check clears the bank.


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