Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Youth in Hollywood

I wanted to follow up a bit on my earlier post about Hollywood being more of a young persons game (in general).

When we're young, most of us have a lot fewer responsibilities (eg - family, mortgage, etc), which means we can take more gambles on our time. Hence the moves by so many young people to spend a year as some producers intern hoping to make enough connections they can get a paying job.

Anyway, I don't mean the prior post or the changing big media dynamics to discourage young people from joining "the business." As a matter of fact, big media desperately needs young people with fresh ideas, particularly fresh business ideas that will help our storytelling mediums move into new business models. Or finding news ways to mix and match old business models with new distribution in a compelling way.

Lastly, if you *do* actually manage to get into the business in a meaningful way at a young age, you will learn a lot of things there are no other ways to learn.

Most of showbiz won't teach you to be the corporate 9-5'er type; so if that's what you're looking for, showbiz probably isn't for you. (though, let's be honest, how many people out there honestly think they're going to have a 40 year job at one company and retire in the US? I think that's a myth that's pretty well shredded by now, right?)

But it will teach you to be resourceful, and pay attention. Or in somecases, it'll force you to BS until you can't BS anymore and give up, go home, or BS someone with enough money that you actually fail upwards, which happens a lot on the network and studio sides.

So anyway, for those of you who love to learn, meet new people who do amazing things, and are ok with not having a steady paycheck, c'mon down!


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