Ex CEO of RIAA Sings A Different Tune
While [obviously] not a regular blogger (or typist for that matter), this entry from Hilary Rosen is worth a read. It's very revealing to see that once outside in the real world of the consumer and not the vacuum of space inside the RIAA (and the MPAA), that logic and common sense take their rightful place in her discourse. Er..well, at least they start to anyway:
This, from the woman who also said:
I think the marketplace should determine what the circumstances are that help IP flourish.
But for the record, I do share a concern that the lawsuits have outlived most of their usefulness and that the record companies need to work harder to implemnt a strategy that legitimizes more p2p sites and expands the download and subscription pool by working harder with the tech community to get devices and music services to work better together. That is how their business will expand most quickly. The iPod is still too small a part of the overall potential of the market and its propietary DRM just bugs me. Speaking of DRM, it is time to rethink that strategy as well......... At some point, I will write more comprehensively about those years and these issues....then again, maybe not.
This, from the woman who also said:
“Clearly the courts agree. In order for that marketplace to flourish, intellectual property must be defended rigorously.”(2001 Press Release from RIAA)
I think the marketplace should determine what the circumstances are that help IP flourish.