Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Whole Lotta Shaking Goin' On

In the spirit of the writing mood I am in, I shall offer this tonight:

Temblors Rattle Theater Owners

Much like the Southern California landscape has hundreds of small tremors each day, so too has the theatrical exhibition industry been shaken around lightly by the ever-encroaching home video release windows.

While the pressures of high-quality home displays and home surround sound, minus the obnoxious kids, and sticky floors have continued to mount on the tectonic plates of theaters, the larger movie studios seem to be waking up to the fact that something smells like it's burning.

And it's their ass.

Today's temblor struck about a 6.0 on the open-ended Richter Scale when Disney CEO-designate Bob Iger stated that "it is not inconceivable that the studio would release a DVD even during theatrical runs."

Theater owners have a rocky road ahead, and if they had any brains at all, would hurry up with digital projection and distribution so that they can book indie films or whatever they want in their theaters, AND SELL THE DVD's right outside the door when you leave, and earn some of their profits right there.

Smells like roses to me.


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