Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fear and Blogging

As commercials on the television blaze past, I notice how many of them use a quick sound bite or bit of dramatization to induce fear in order to get you to buy something.

Either fear of a situation, or of *not* having something, or a zillion other little psychological zingers they seem to go after to push your buttons. The buttons directly connected to your wallet.

I think the ad industry as a whole uses a lot of fear not *only* because of it's efficacy, but because it's easier to scare people than it is to present facts (facts that might need backing up), or to inspire or otherwise convince.

Out of all the blogs I read, even ones that at some points or others endorse products, it seems that fear as a marketing tool, for the most part, is completely missing from the equation.

This brings a theory to mind.

Fear based marketing is, by nature, inauthentic.

What do you think?


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