Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Theories & the Web

OK, so maybe the last post isn't a good theory.

I've gotten some pretty quick feedback from a number of people who don't agree.

So, I could backtrack and delete the post, and try to convince myself that I NEVER post anything that might not be right, or I could leave it, and say, you know what? I might be wrong, but I want to know what people think, and a dialogue that results in my changing a theory or an attitude is still one that means I learn something. That in itself is valuable.

I still believe that fear as a marketing tool is deplorable. I still believe that it is over-used, and very often inappropriate.

Are there things we should be informed and possible afraid of, yes. Does that include that my guests might think less of me if there's spot on my dishes because I used the wrong dish soap? Hell no.

So I reached for "inauthenticity." Maybe it's too far a reach - but I still think there's something there - because something that deserves being feared, really, should have it's roots in truth, and reason.

Creating fear based on something that is unreasonable, I think, makes it inauthentic.


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