Friday, January 07, 2005

Missing the Point

Well, if Blogging is about frequent publishing, it would appear that only a few days into the New Year, I'm missing the point.

I saw today that Wired Magazine published their annual "vaporware" awards and enjoyed for a moment the pain of the companies listed there who had touted great and revolutionary products to their consumers and then been unable to deliver a product at all.

Which when thought about, we tend to do a lot of as people. Overpromise, underdeliver. Say we are going to do one thing, and then we don't. Tell people to have a good day, but wish they would just fuck off. It's really about bullshitting people into either buying something we don't have to sell, believing we're something better than we are, or thinking that we care about them.

So the question is, why? Why do we put all this effort into something that recent studies have proven are more work for us?

I don't have the answer to this - maybe some of you do?


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