Monday, December 27, 2004

First Post

Well, since the title of the blog is Whatever Comes to Mind, what's coming to mind right now is the awful writing of a book I'm fininishing - that has some interesting content, but.... well, I'm not a dumb guy (usually) but when I need to re-read a sentance three or four times to understand at least some of what the hell the writer is talking about, it's not a good thing.

It's called Autumn of the Moguls: My Misadventures with the Titans, Poseurs, and Money Guys who Mastered and Messed Up Big Media by Michael Wolff.

While the book teeters on the knife edge of being narcissistic, the author fully realizes this and indeed uses it to correlate himself with the objects of his writing - namely the above titled Titans, Poseurs and Money Guys.

It DOES however put frightening (and equally exhilarating) questions on the table about the health, (or lack thereof) of the media business and the business which I myself am a part of.

The frightening part comes from the nagging feeling that I better "get mine" before this whole darn system collapses on itself - and hope that I can do so in time to try some other pursuits that may not pay off as handsomely as filmmaking still can - though may not for much longer.

The exhilarating part comes from the percolation of ideas within my head about what kind of system replaces the current one when the current one does die. Or perhaps it has already died and no one knows it yet.

Hm - on second thought that may be more the case than not - because most of what movie studios are doing is turning out films that cost too much, and perform too little. So their "specialty divisions" run around trying to find films and filmmakers and deals with filmmakers that can make films at a more reasonable cost than they can.

Anyway, I have other thoughts on that - but those are cards I wanna hold for just a bit longer to see what the hell happens.... or what the hell I can make happen:)


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