Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Another Meeting, Another 2 Bottles of Wine

After a 4 hour meeting with two of my business partners, there's been some good outcome in terms of marketing direction for our film "Family."

Oddly enough, probably a third of the conversation had to do more with "how the hell do we make enough money to get OUT of this business and into something more stable and reliable?" And while one of my partners has made significant inroads towards this goal, neither myself nor my other partner have any other way to generate enough income that we can invest in other things, other than to keep doing what we're doing...

Another good note, today I managed to get some time to speak with Jim Moloshok, who's the Sr. VP of Entertainment and Acquisitions for Yahoo! and see if there's any opportunities to do some indie film marketing with Yahoo and our films website, which should launch in February. So we're supposed to speak with him in the third week of January, and perhaps there'll be a way we can work together. It'll be interesting to see.

All of this would be well and good if I was making a salary for doing it - but such as it is, it is good... just not well and good. ;)


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