Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wow - Customer Service ISN'T Dead

OK, so a garbage can isn't really all that important in the world, but when you've paid what you think is a bit of a high price for something you put garbage into, you expect it to last a while.

Sadly, after about a year of use, our SimpleHuman pedal opening garbage can broke. I took the pedal out and tried to epoxy the fracture back together, but it didn't even hold for one step.

While I contemplated building a steel plate to reinforce the original piece, I emailed SimpleHuman's customer service to ask if there were replacement pedals available for sale.

To be honest, I expected there to be "engineered design failures" that would require people to buy new cans and that would be how it was.

I was very surprised to get a reply within one day, apologizing for the broken part, stating that the part had since been redesigned with a stronger metal plate, and they would be happy to ship us a replacement for free.

It's almost enough to make me tear up, really - good customer service so rarely pops up these days that it positively induces giddiness when it happens, and SimpleHuman has just earned themselves a customer for life.

Thanks SimpleHuman - you made my day.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too! They were super nice. Too many people complain and don't do anything.

1:38 PM  

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